You are not enough.

“How dare you!”

To that we say, we dare because we care.

This world is filled with people who are hurting. A world where people believe chiseling out time from a jammed packed schedule for self-love will fix their pain, and in turn, they can inspire others. On the surface, these people may slow your scroll, but the truth is, they most likely will continue to battle self-loathing, anger, resentment, and loneliness their entire lives. 

How can we make such a sweeping accusation and assumption? Because sin. 

We all have it. 

Sin is the self-inflicted disease that every human has, every human hides behind, and every human battles for a lifetime. There is no amount of self-care that can conquer it. In fact, we even dare to say that the majority of self-care actually enhances sins affect on our lives. 

(Insert shocked-face emoji)

We’re pretty sure this blog with blunt realizations, and appeals from scripture will not be popular. But that’s ok. We want to be the friend who cares enough to say the hard things. And please, don’t for a second think we say these hard things out of self-righteousness and pride. We say them humbly, wrapped in a hug of love because (drumroll, please) –

We are also hurting, self-loathing, angry sinners who are just,
not enough.

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